Sea Ever Jaya Indonesia

"Jalesveva Jayamahe" precisely in our glorious sea, is the picture of Indonesia's history. The first maritime glory on a large scale is shown by the kingdom of Srivijaya, who stood in 683-1030 AD Adventurers China, I Tsing, recorded, Shih Shih Li Fo (Sriwijaya) is a huge empire that has a castle in Kotaraja, sea fleet is very strong.

With the Tribe employs skilled person in the Navy shipbuilding technology and Srivijaya naval war strategy successfully mastered the ocean archipelago in the region around Sumatra to Malaya today. Sriwijaya has successfully become the prime force in the history of dominating the Nusantara region around the waters east of Sumatra Island, which is a key point of international shipping trade and even to this day.

Sriwijaya next move to Java Sea waters for control of shipping lines of spices and food crops. Siriwijaya maritime glory in the seventh century, was recorded in eleven reliefs at Borobudur temple wall depicting the Srivijaya naval strength, complete with ship construction technology, developed at the time.

However, Sriwijaya only develop themselves as a maritime nation, while the agrarian world not so developed, so that the Sriwijaya not last long. Because the port city was supposed to be supported by agricultural products become commodities leading from the interior areas.

Agrarian and maritime toughness first shown by Singhasari Kertanagara under the 13th century. Embryo of this kingdom since the 10th century by Medang, Kahuripan, and Kediri has had a strong base over the entire flow of the Brantas river from upstream to downstream, mix of agrarian and maritime forces. So when Kertanegara lead to political expansion Singhasari he can master the ocean archipelago.

In Kakawin (Chronicle, stories, books) Negarakertagama Kertanagara has announced the expansion of the horizon outside the theater to the island of Java, which covers the entire area dwipantara. With a fleet strength is unmatchable, in the year 1275 nautical Kertanagara expedition sent into the Kingdom of the Malays and Campa to make friends so that together can impede the forward movement of the Mongol Empire in Southeast Asia. Year 1284, he conquered Bali in the naval expedition to the east.

The two main pillars of the agrarian and maritime forces have been brought Kertanagara conquer: Pahang, Malays, Desert (Eastern Indonesia), Bakulapura (Borneo BD), Sundanese, Madurese, and the whole of Java. Though the sea became the main concern, Kertanagara never "miss ing madal" (be delirious), he also strengthening of agrarian sector.

Maritime glory peak reached in the 14th century when Majapahit ruled the archipelago influence even extends to foreign countries neighbors. Kingdom of Majapahit in the Raden Wijaya, Hayam Wuruk, and Gajah Mada has flourished into a large empire that can provide security guarantees for trade in the archipelago.

Vision and a strong desire to build a kingdom that promote maritime power and Agrarian has become the determination of Raden Wijaya, the child Kertanegara law. Vision is realized by selecting the location of the capital of Majapahit kingdom in the Drag in the Brantas river with the intention of the monitoring of coastal trade and also can control the agricultural production in the countryside.

Archipelago by the Majapahit unification through maritime expeditions began shortly after the Mada Mahapatih Palapa oath that famous in 1334:

Tan amukti palapa, "Sira Gajah Mada tan pepatih amungkubumi palapa amukita swing. Sira Gajah Mada huwus lost seagrass amukti Nusantara ingsun palapa, seagrass lost ring Gurun, ring Seram, ring Doran, Tanjungpura, ring Haru, ring Pahang, Dompo, ring Bali, Sunda, Palembang, Tumasik, Samana ingsun amukti Palapa "

This maritime expansion recorded in the draft State Mpu Kertagama Prapanca in 1365. This book divides the Majapahit empire in the four groups of areas: (1) Malays areas and Sumatra: Jambi, Palembang, Ocean and Lamori (Aceh), (2) areas in Cape State (Borneo) and Tringgano (Trengganu), (3) areas around Tumasik (Singapore), (4) wilayah2 east Java (Bali, Nusa Tenggara, Sulawesi, Moluccas to Irian).

In his book, Fruin-Mess, entitled "Geschiedenis van Java" (1919) page 84, mentions "So people will see that the Majapahit area roughly equivalent to the Dutch East Indies reduced by West Java because the list does not mention the name of Pasundan" Even in the historical record says, the influence of the Majapahit Kingdom had come to some areas of foreign countries: Thailand, Ayuthia, Lagor, Campa Cambodia), Anam, India, Philippines, China.

Mahapatih under the command of Gajah Mada, Majapahit in the reign of King Hayam Wuruk (1350-1389), succeeded in realizing the vision Linguistic Theories, along with the Majapahit successfully develop shipbuilding technology in the form of an armed vessel into the main pedestal sea fleet strength.

In fact, the Majapahit navy was supported by a cannon armament mainstay spoils of Kublai Khan's armies when attacking Kediri (top tipudaya Raden Wijaya) and palm shells or rockets that were copied from the equipment Majapahit Kublai Khan's war.

Although the center of the kingdom Mojopahit farther inland, ie around Trowulan, City of Majapahit who have water channels for communications facilities that have access to the sea. Water canals has a pattern of lines intersect perpendicular, with the north-south and east-west direction. This waterway has a width of 20-30 meters and a depth of 4 meters.

On either side of these waterways are the remnants of brick, which shows the boundary lines and quiet former building. While the water to fill these channels comes from the rivers in the south, among other Brangkal river and the solution is through the channel to the west of the river, then to the river Brantas.

These pathways are also associated with the river Scissors (child Brantas river) which flows through the eastern and northern edge of the City Mojoagung. Majapahit collapsed around the year 1528 AD because there is no strong leader capable of maintaining the power and glory of Majapahit.

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