Been said
Losari panorama of the world's most beautiful sunset. Really? Come and experience yourself. What is clear, every evening hundreds of people had come to witness the panorama of red as the sun sank into the ocean.
Object Location
Losari is an area on the coast of Makassar. Its location within the city, only about three miles from the center of Makassar (Field Karebosi).
Losari is its waterfront city of Makassar. Shaped coastline of approximately one kilometer and is a public space that can be accessed by anyone. Free.
On this beach there are bridge-pavilion. Semicircular area of nearly one hectare. Resembling a plaza with a clean floor. Flexible enough for children to play and run-larian. While parents and teens sat on concrete benches enjoying the sea breeze.
Boat LosariLomba Pavilion LosariDari it also can freely view to the sea. Looking at the sun sinking slowly reddish light at the horizon line. The reflection of light also creates sheen on the surface of sea water. If the sky is clear, the scenery was really perfect.
It also functions as a court of the stadium is open water. Waters in the presence Losari often used as an arena of race jetsky, traditional boat race and katinting jolloro, or become a transit point sandeq relly traditional sailboats and yachts. Because it is located in a bay, the waters Losari is an ideal arena for relatively no big waves.
There are three platforms in there, namely the Court of the Marine, the Court of the Bugis-Makassar, Toraja and Mandar Court. Entirely built with reclaimed land. Currently only the Court of the Marine who has been shaped. Meanwhile, two other court is still under construction.
Losari MalamFasilitas
Meanwhile, throughout the region Losari is a great culinary palace. Dozens lined cafe offers a variety of foods and beverages. There is also a restaurant with a main menu of various seafood (sea food). Or it could also enjoy a traditional snack SPE bananas, coconuts and bananas roasted with brown sugar sauce. Hmmm, tasty.
The hotels are also standing in the region Losari. Some of them are qualified four star plus. Offers a panoramic beauty of the sea with luxury service treats.
Swimming, diving, snorkeling, and fishing, is a fun activity in the Marine Park Takabonerate. This marine park has the third largest coral atoll in the world, coral reefs are healthy and beautiful, and rich in marine fauna.
Object Location
Takabonerate Marine Park is located in Selayar County, about 25 miles from the Citadel, the capital city Selayar District, or 300 kilometers from the city of Makassar.
Takabonerate Marine Park is an area that is still awake kelamiannya. As long as the eye could see only the blue expanse of sea coral that looks swell. The islands around it was green with a wide variety of plants and have sloping white sandy beaches.
This marine park has the third largest coral atoll in the world after Kwajifein Suvadiva in Marshall Islands and Maldives Islands. Size is approximately 220,000 hectares of atolls with coral reef flat area of 500 square kilometers.
There are 261 types of coral reefs that have been identified from 17 families. Beautiful, colorful on the seabed and into the various kinds of ornamental fish. Most of these coral species has formed atoll reefs (barrier reef) and the reef edge (fringing reef). Everything is growing healthily.
While the plants are located in coastal areas dominated by the coconut (Cocos nucifera), sea pandanus (pandanus sp.), Sea pine (casuarina equisetifolia), and almond (Terminalia catappa).

There are approximately 295 species of reef fish and various species of fish consumption have high economic value, such as grouper, tuna, napoleon wrasse, and baronang. The types of sea turtles are listed hawksbill, green turtle, and turtle cracked.
There are also 244 species of molluscs, including trochus, clams goat's head, triton, batulaga, scales clams, oysters, and hollow nautilus (Nautilus pompillius).
There are 15 islands in the Sea Garden Takabonerate. In the islands it is available inn owned by local residents. Panorama sunset and sunrise is amazing views of the islands.
Season Best Hits
April to June and October through December.
To get to the location of marine parks, tourists must pass through the capital city Selayar Islands District, the Citadel. There are two ways into the fortress, which is by plane and by bus.
With the aircraft, there are flights by planes Casa pioneer of Sultan Hasanuddin Airport, Makassar, to the Hajj Airport Aroepala, Citadel.
While the bus ride from Terminal Mallengkeri tourists, Makassar, toward Port Ferry Bulukumba. Then cross over to the Ferry Port Pamatata. From Pamatata proceed overland journey to the Citadel.
From Castle to the Small Island Rajuni as nearest island akabonerate Marine Park area. The trip takes five hours with a timber ship.

Culture & Religion of Indonesia - The present day culture of Indonesia is an outcome of the interplay of age-old- traditions from the time of early migrants and the Western thought brought by Portuguese traders and Dutch colonists. The basic principles, which guide life include the concepts of mutual assistance or "gotong royong" and consultations or "musyawarah" to arrive at a consensus or "mufakat". Derived from rural life, this system is still very much in use in community life throughout the country. Though the legal system is based on the Old Dutch penal code, social life as well as the rites of passage is founded on customary or "adat" law, which differs from area to area. ''Adat'' law has been instrumental in maintaining gender equality in Indonesia.
Indonesian art forms are greatly influenced by religion. The famous dance dramas of Java and Bali are derived from Hindu mythology and often feature fragments from the Hindu epics such as Ramayana and Mahabharata.
The crafts of Indonesia vary in both medium and art form. As a whole the people are artistic by nature and express themselves on canvas, wood, metals, clay and stone. The batik process of waxing and dyeing originated in Java centuries ago and classic designs have been modified with modern trends in both pattern and technology. There are several centres of Batik in Java, the major ones being Yogyakarta, Surakarta, Pekalongan and Cirebon.
Indonesia is rich in handicrafts. Various forms of handicrafts practiced are: woodcarvings for ornamentation and furniture, silverwork and engraving from Yogyakarta and Sumatra; filgree from South Sulawesi and Bali with different styles of clay, sandstone and wood sculptures. These are but a few of the handicrafts found in Indonesia.
Religion in Indonesia: The majority (about 88%) of the population follows Islam. In fact Indonesia is the nation with largest Muslim population. However, freedom of religion is provided by the Indonesian Constitution, which is defined in the First Principle of the State Philosophy' "Pancasila", which upholds a "Belief in One Supreme God". Others religions followed in Indonesia are Christianity, Hinduism and Buddhism.